FINANCIAL AID FOR Mini TermS: Summer & Winter
Scholarships & Financial Aid
May Mini-Term and Summer Term
May Mini-Term and Summer Terms are considered non-traditional academic periods that run after the end of the Spring semester and before the beginning of the Fall semester. Students can take an entire course in just three weeks during May Mini-Term. Summer term spans most of June and July. Courses offered during this term follow the same standards as those in a regular semester.
Winter Mini-Term
Winter Mini-Term is an academic period that runs after the end of the fall semester and before the start of the spring semester. This term provides a great opportunity to catch up or get ahead on your academic progress! You can take an entire course during a two week period. Courses offered during this term follow the same standards as those in a regular semester.
Financial Aid for Non-Traditional Terms
For more information about Non-Traditional Term program fees, please visit our Non-Traditional FAQs page or the Bursar tuition & fee page here.
Financial Aid
Non-Traditional Term courses are eligible for Financial Aid.
The timetable for Winter Mini-Term will be available to view in late September with registration opening in early October.
The timetable for May Mini-Term and Summer Term will be available to view in late February or early March with registration opening in March.
You should first discuss which classes you may need to take during any of these terms with your Academic Advisor. You can then register for your desired class(es) here once the registration period has opened.
You must meet these requirements to receive financial aid (including HOPE Scholarship) for summer courses:
How many hours do I need to enroll in to get financial aid?
You must be enrolled in at least six CPOS/degree-applicable credit hours to receive most forms of financial aid. Law students must be enrolled in three hours and graduate nursing students must be enrolled in five hours to be eligible for aid. Students with Summer Pell Grant eligibility can receive the grant if they are registered for at least one credit hour.
How do I get a Pell Grant for summer?
All students will be evaluated for Pell eligibility after they register for summer courses. If you were enrolled full-time for the fall and spring semesters, you must be enrolled for six credit hours to be eligible for a summer Pell Grant.
If you were a part-time student during the academic year, you may be eligible for a summer Pell Grant if you enroll for at least one credit hour. Students who transferred to UT will be evaluated based on their enrollment and Pell Grant awards received at their previous institutions.
If you have questions about your specific situation, please contact One Stop.
How do I get the HOPE Scholarship at UT for summer?
Visit our HOPE Scholarship page here for more information.
When will I get my refund?
Excess financial aid disbursements for summer are standard for all students, including those enrolled in May Mini-Term hours. We are unable to disburse excess aid prior to the date established in our calendar.
What if I want to take a class somewhere other than UT this summer?
If you want to take classes somewhere other than UT, please view One Stop’s information about consortium agreements.
Can I get financial aid for a summer study abroad program?
Students participating in a study abroad program need to complete the Study Abroad Summer Request form. Click here for more information about the Study Abroad program and the summer form.
What is considered full-time enrollment in the summer?
Full-time enrollment in the summer is considered twelve credit hours for undergraduate students and nine hours for graduate students. The number of credit hours from all sessions is combined to determine your enrollment status. Mini-Term, first, full, second, and third session credit hours are combined to help determine your status.
I need to drop my summer classes. How do I cancel the aid I have been awarded?
It is easy to cancel your summer aid. If you decide not to attend the Summer Term, contact One Stop before the first day of class to cancel your summer aid. If you are already enrolled for summer, you must drop all courses in MyUTK before the first day of class to avoid charges on your account.
I finished first session but don’t want to complete second session. How does this affect my aid?
Any change in enrollment status can affect your aid for summer. Contact One Stop before dropping any courses. If you drop courses after the first day of full/first session, you could be responsible for repaying financial aid to UT. You could also permanently lose the HOPE Scholarship. Once classes begin, HOPE Scholarship recipients should not drop courses or they may forfeit future HOPE eligibility.
I am working on my second bachelor’s degree or I am a non-degree student. Am I eligible for aid?
Students who already have a bachelor’s degree may qualify for limited types of student loans. Non-degree students taking prerequisite courses to be admitted to a degree program at UT may be eligible for student loans; however, a Non-Degree Eligibility Appeal (found on the One Stop forms page) is required to determine eligibility.
Have more questions about Summer Term or Winter Mini-Term? Check our FAQ page here.
If you are an instructor and seeking additional resources for Winter Mini-Term, click here.
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